Deciding Factors

These pictures are from my daughter's 2nd birthday party, March 23, 2012. These pictures along with a couple from December 2011 were what made me decide to change myself. I was so embarrassed about the way I looked that none of these pictures, any of the ones that showed my stomach were put on my albums on facebook.

I look like I'm about 5 months pregnant...when my son was already 5 months old. I couldn't fit into any of my "regular" clothes, I was still wearing maternity pants and tops. I knew that I was over weight, wouldn't have been wearing maternity pants while not pregnant if I wasn't, but these pictures are what truly showed me the light. (sorry for the poor quality, had to take pictures of the pictures with my phone, couldn't find the usb cable for my camera, I'll update them whenever I find it)

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