Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Happy New Year!!!

Well, it's the new year, 2013, can't believe it! Today is the day it seems that everyone and their dog is making resolutions, to lose weight, be healthier, get a better job, be less stressed, etc etc.  Holidays are past us now, so lets get into that getting healthy state of mind! Don't think of it as a resolution though, everyone breaks their New Year's resolutions, think of it as making a serious life change, about becoming a better you.

Since you don't have to worry about all those yummy Christmas sweets and goodies anymore, it's time to quit the excuses and start becoming the new you! New year, new you :)

If there are still any goodies are your home, or when you're at the grocery store, try to remember these 4 steps, I'm going to try and remember these too! I have a horrible sweet tooth, but I'm happy to say I have not had a single sweet since Christmas day, but I still have to remind myself constantly, yes, they're sooo good, but do I really want a muffin top to go with that? No, I definitely do not! 

And for a nice workout to start out the new year, here's one to get you those sexy legs you've always wanted! I'm gonna give this one a try myself today along with one of my videos.

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