About Me

I'm Lauren, hi, nice to meet you. This is just a little about me, let you know my story, how I finally stopped being lazy (most of the time) and began to make a change. I've been working out, trying to eat healthier and make some changes for nearly 8 months now, still a work in progress, but I've lost 53 pounds in these 8 months...so I must be doing something right!!

I'm a 25 year old mother of two and lucky enough to be married to my high school sweetheart and best friend. Everyone puts on some weight after high school, that was to be expected, but my story really begins March 23, 2010. That is the day that I gave birth to my first child, a girl, Harley Quinn.

Headed to the hospital bright and early!

Here's my beautiful girl.

Before I became pregnant with Harley I weighed roughly 150 ish pounds, was around 175 when I was full term. I actually lost all my baby weight and then some just after she was born, don't ask me how, don't even know how it happened myself. I was nursing her, so that definitely helped, because as soon as I stopped, I put all my weight back on again (I was not a happy Mama).

When Harley was 10 months old, SURPRISE! We found out we were pregnant again! This time it was a boy, my handsome man, Jaxon Drake. My whopping 10 pound boy (yes, he was over 10 pounds when he was born!). With Jaxon, my starting weight was about where I left off with Harley, around 175. At full term, I was over 200 pounds...I don't know how far over, because as soon as the scale got over 200 I couldn't look anymore.

Mister Handsome (ignore my hair please!)

Love my children with all my heart and I always say that they're the reason that I put on so much weight (they were definitely a major factor in that) but they're not the only reason. I have an unending supply of laziness and procrastination at my fingertips, lucky me! Not! 

When I finally decided to make a change in my life, become healthy not only for me, but for my family as well, I was 183 pounds, way too much for my 5'5 frame. I was unhappy, hated how I looked, absolutely hated for my husband to see me without any clothes on during intimate moments. He always told me I was beautiful and sexy, I couldn't see it though. I started changing my life April 16, 2012 (after seeing pictures of myself from my daughter's 2nd birthday party in March), now almost 8 months later, I've lost 52 pounds. I still have a little ways to go, little more weight to lose and trouble areas to tone up. But this blog is just going to be some of the tips, inspirations, workout videos and recipes that I love to try and help you change your life too!

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