Monday, January 28, 2013

Day 1 Insanity

Well, I'm starting Insanity today, wish me luck!! 60 days....not too bad, especially if it'll help me lose this mommy gut I have going on!  Who's going to do this with me???

Here are my day 1 Fit Test results:

switch kick- 126
power jack- 52
power knee- 101
power jump- 36
globe jump- 11
suicide- 21
push-up jacks- 22
low plank- 58

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Work out

For my workout today I mostly focused on my abs (every mommy's trouble zone it seems!) and added a little stretching/relaxation in there as well.

To start off I did some Hip Hop Abs, did the Ab Sculpt and 6 Min. Abs.

After Hip Hop Abs, I did the basic back bend segment from Lunar flow Yoga.  Loving this video, it has 4 different segments, great from stretching out and relaxing.  Even has a meditation segment, when I did that one the other night I turned off all other media and even lit a candle, was so relaxed by the end of it!

Monday, January 21, 2013

Ab Fix

Here's a few of my favorite ab exercises that I like to do after a workout video or just to ad a little ab work to my day if I happen to not workout.
Basic crunch, I like to do 25-30.
Side crunch, I usually do 15-20.

Reverse crunch, I like to do mine with a straight leg, in slow counts, 4 up and 4 down.

Crunches with legs raised, some people like to lift their legs as they're lifting their head, I like to keep my legs elevated and instead of a technical "crunch" I keep my head/shoulders lifted off the floor and do pulse crunches.  Usually do 10-20, then lower my head and keep my legs elevated a few inches in the air and hold them there for 10-20 counts.

Russian Twist, I hold a hand weight in both hands as I do this one, and I touch the weight to the floor on the next to my hip. I do about 30 of these, go to each side 15 times.

The Superman, this is a great one too, I feel all abs as I do this, I breath out as I lift my arms and legs off the floor, inhale as I lower back to the floor. I do 20-30 of these, hold for a count or two whenever I lift up.

Keep Calm and Ignore Junk Food

I need to remember this one myself!

Two Hundred Squats

two hundred squats

Can't imagine a better way to get those sexy legs and butt than to be able to do 200 squats in a row, easily. The link above takes you to the website to get you started! Tells you the technicalities about how squats are done correctly and how you can work your way up to doing 200 squats yourself! I haven't tried this yet, soon as I do the initial test I will let y'all know how many I can do to start out. There are also other links to other sites to help you do 150 dips, 200 hundred sit-ups, 25 pull-ups as well as a couple others.

Monday, January 7, 2013

fatty fat

A little something to gross you out and put things into perspective.  And, so you can try and get rid of some of this nasty stuff, here's a couple drink detox recipes.

Dr. Oz’s Secret Slim Down Drink: mix together 1 cup of grapefruit juice with 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar. (If it’s too bitter, stir in a teaspoon of honey, which will only add 20 extra calories) Try it Today: Drink a shot before every meal to start painlessly melting away those extra pounds.

detox water - helps you maintain a flat belly, 2 lemons, 1/2 cucumber, 10-12 mint leaves, and 3qts water fuse overnight to create a natural detox, helping to flush impurities out of your system.


Lets have a stress free January!  Wouldn't that just be awesome??  I've never tried meditation before, but if it'll help me relax some, I'll give it a shot.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Happy New Year!!!

Well, it's the new year, 2013, can't believe it! Today is the day it seems that everyone and their dog is making resolutions, to lose weight, be healthier, get a better job, be less stressed, etc etc.  Holidays are past us now, so lets get into that getting healthy state of mind! Don't think of it as a resolution though, everyone breaks their New Year's resolutions, think of it as making a serious life change, about becoming a better you.

Since you don't have to worry about all those yummy Christmas sweets and goodies anymore, it's time to quit the excuses and start becoming the new you! New year, new you :)

If there are still any goodies are your home, or when you're at the grocery store, try to remember these 4 steps, I'm going to try and remember these too! I have a horrible sweet tooth, but I'm happy to say I have not had a single sweet since Christmas day, but I still have to remind myself constantly, yes, they're sooo good, but do I really want a muffin top to go with that? No, I definitely do not! 

And for a nice workout to start out the new year, here's one to get you those sexy legs you've always wanted! I'm gonna give this one a try myself today along with one of my videos.