Monday, December 17, 2012

Here's the workout I did yesterday, must admit, there were a couple times I almost had enough, but pushed through. My arms were kiiilling me at the end.  No pain, no gain!  Time to get this booty in shape!

Sunday, December 16, 2012

P90x Express

Yeah, I'll give this one a shot, haven't tried it yet, but I hear great things!

P90x Express Workout

Tuesday, December 11, 2012


Yoga with the kiddos

Yoga to do with your kids

Whenever I first started doing yoga, my daughter Harley would just watch and sometimes giggle at silly mama.  Then it got to where she started trying to do different moves and exercises with me.  Everyday when I put my workout clothes on, she smiles and says "time to work out mom?".  So smart for a 2 year old.  Yoga is one of her favorite workouts to do with me.  She gets in my way sometimes...most of the time haha, but hey, if my 2 year old wants to work out, I'm not going to stop her.  Way too many over weight children these days, I can tell ya, mine won't be one of them!

Inner Thigh Gap

I'm going to be doing these today! I want that inner thigh gap too! Finally getting one, used to be so jealous watching those workout videos with the skinny little girls. They'd have their feet together and their thighs didn't touch...mine sure did!

Monday, December 10, 2012


Christmas time, Christmas time

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas, here's a nice little holiday workout to help keep those holiday pounds at bay! Some of my favorite exercises are on  this list!

Calorie counter heaven!

When people are trying to lose weight and they hear the words "count calories" they immediately don't want to do it. I've heard all the excuses, I've used most of them myself at some point or other, but it really isn't as hard as you'd think!

Counting calories doesn't have to be a chore, especially with nifty little sites like this one My Fitness Pal  . Myfitnesspal is a wonderful site! I don't know what I'd do without it, really! I use it nearly everyday, makes keeping track of what you've eaten and the exercises that you do throughout the week.

When you sign up, you put in all your statistics: weight, age, height, activity level, goal weight, etc. You get a choice of how many calories you'd like to try to use per week and myfitnesspal will give you a daily calorie limit. When you exercise during the day, you get more calories for food.

Calorie counting doesn't have to be something you dread, mfp makes it super easy with their search bar, just search for the foods you've eaten, click on how much you've had and bam! You're done! See? Not too hard is it? Looking for your exercises isn't any harder than that, search for what you've done, put in how long you've worked out and you're done!

I use mfp religiously, if you join, you can add me if you like! My user name is harleyjax I love helping people any way I can. Don't wait till tomorrow to start making a change in your life, stop being lazy! Start today!